Congress-A Myopic Dinosaur


Anyone who wants to see Democracy flourish in India will like to see a strong opposition. Congress, the grand old party with its pan India presence, is presently the natural main opposition party. Sadly, at a time when BJP is ruling and expanding, the Congress is shrinking. It is in the labyrinth of chaos and confusion.

A new enthusiasm was created among Congress workers and Congress sympathisers outside the party, when free and fair election for the party president was announced. Gandhi family categorically declared that it is not in the fray. Many people expected that new energy and trajectory will come in this process. There is hardly any internal democracy in any political party in India but congress at least showcased its democratic credentials by declaring this election. It was, however, ironical after being totally authoritarian for most of the last half a century. After the rise of Sonia Gandhi the family became all powerful without any responsibility or accountability. Even when they failed to win elections for the party they were never questioned. The election of a new president was expected at least to disrupt this status quo. The family had declared that it would remain strictly neutral in the election but it proved to be farce. After the Gehlot fiasco, Digvijaya Singh was pitted against Shashi Tharoor. It would have been a genuine fight and anyone of them could have done something for the Congress in his own way. Unfortunately in a overnight palace intrigue, the family put forward its most docile and loyal candidate in Mallikarjun Kharge. Digvijaya Singh was obliged to withdraw. The member delegates of the electoral college for the President know very well that Kharge is the official candidate. 80-year-old Kharge with poor health can only sit in the office and do the clerical job. He will be responsible as the President but without any power. The family will continue to be all powerful without any accountability or responsibility. The sufferer will be the Congress party and the nation at large.

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n k tripathi
एन. के. त्रिपाठी

एन के त्रिपाठी आई पी एस सेवा के मप्र काडर के सेवानिवृत्त अधिकारी हैं। उन्होंने प्रदेश मे फ़ील्ड और मुख्यालय दोनों स्थानों मे महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर सफलतापूर्वक कार्य किया। प्रदेश मे उनकी अन्तिम पदस्थापना परिवहन आयुक्त के रूप मे थी और उसके पश्चात वे प्रतिनियुक्ति पर केंद्र मे गये। वहाँ पर वे स्पेशल डीजी, सी आर पी एफ और डीजीपी, एन सी आर बी के पद पर रहे।

वर्तमान मे वे मालवांचल विश्वविद्यालय, इंदौर के कुलपति हैं। वे अभी अनेक गतिविधियों से जुड़े हुए है जिनमें खेल, साहित्यएवं एन जी ओ आदि है। पठन पाठन और देशा टन में उनकी विशेष रुचि है।